Thursday, May 18, 2006

video games can make you money too!

i like my current "job" and all, but i think this is the dream job of every little boy (well maybe it's applicable all the way up to college graduates)- video game tester.

i wonder how they interview you. "how many games have you beaten?", "what is the secret code in contra to get thirty lives?", "what level is your character in world of warcraft?", "have you ever camped in an online FPS?" etc.

haha, but you never know what japanese companies are going to come up with next. the arcade games here are pretty ridiculous, there's one game where you "walk dogs"- you have to hold onto the leash while you walk on a treadmill haha. then there's the "shooter" game where you have a can of bug spray and you have to shake it to "reload". ah videogames, i haven't been in touch with them but i feel their call calling me back... :P

it's still raining :(


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